AI-House HUB-4


Toyo University outsources the management and operation of international exchange dormitories to Student Information Center Co., Ltd. (Nasic).

News お知らせ

Concept コンセプト





Concept コンセプト

An International Dormitory for Students’ Growth

‘Co-existence’ is the highlight keyword for living in an international community. Living and interacting with friends from various backgrounds will be an unforgettable experience in which you adapt and grow while facing differences in values and cultures. Toyo University is passionate about this and has high hopes for your personal growth.

AI-House Hub-4 concept is to provide an added value for students that cannot be obtained by studying in the classrooms alone. This includes interaction with friends and participation in various events.

Half of dormitory residents will be international students, and the other half will be local students.

Interaction & Learning 交流と学び





RAが企画するマンスリー・イベント (歓迎会、季節の行事、フィールドトリップ)


外部講師を招いた特別セミナーやワークショップ (学期に1回)


  • 積極的にコミュニケーションをとる姿勢
  • 自分で考え判断し主体的に行動できる力
  • 多角的視野を持ち、自分の価値観に固執しない姿勢


Interaction & Learning 交流と学び

Interaction and Learning

AI-House has a group of Resident Assistants (RA) who will support your daily life as residents. Feel free to talk to the RAs if you have any worries or problems during your stay with us.

In addition to daily support, RAs play a vital role providing various educational programs and events for the residents.

The interaction and learning programs will be an excellent opportunity for the residents to interact, regardless of their backgrounds.

Interaction and Learning

Monthly events such as welcome parties, seasonal activities and field trips are organized by the RAs. Broaden your horizons by interacting with friends from various social and cultural backgrounds!

Special seminar and workshop by experts in their fields will be held once a semester. Join us for a discussion about ways to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and learn about how to plan your career within and outside Japan.

Gain beneficial skills through the AI-House programs!
  • Communication skills
  • Ability to think, judge and act independently
  • Fresh perspectives to think outside the box

※Residential floors are currently divided by sex.

Facilities & Security 設備・セキュリティー


  • 管理人夫婦が住み込みで常駐し、入居者の生活をサポートします。
  • 夜間は警備員を配置します。
  • 急病時や緊急時は管理人やRAが対応してくれるため安心です。
  • 男女別にフロアーが分かれており、異性のフロアには立ち入れません。


  • 寮室は個室です。洗面所、シャワー室、トイレは共用です。
  • 個室を出ればそこは交流空間。仲間と語り合ったり、ゲームをしたり、一人暮らしでは味わえない環境です。
  • 共用キッチン、音楽スタジオ、多目的スタジオ等、居住者が自由に使える共用設備があります。
  • 共用の学習室があり、グループ学習やプレゼンの練習などに使えます。


  • 机・イス・電気スタンド
  • 引き出し付きベッド
  • インターネット(Wi-Fi)
  • エアコン・冷蔵庫
  • 照明器具
  • 鏡(姿見)
  • カーテン
  • 物干竿
  • 寝具一式(リネンは月に2回交換、洗濯不要、レンタル必須)
  • 掃除機・アイロン・アイロン台
  • 電子レンジ・オーブントースター・電気炊飯器(共有キッチンで利用)
  • 洗濯機・乾燥機(有料)
  • 電動アシスト付き自転車

Facilities & Security 設備・セキュリティー

A 24-Hour Security

  • Dorm managers living in the AI-House provide support for residents.
  • Security guards are on duty in the evening.
  • In the event of an emergency or sudden illness, you can rest assured that the dorm managers and RAs will take care of you.
  • Male and female floors are separated and residents are not allowed to enter the opposite sex’s floors.


  • Each dormitory room is a single private type. Washroom faucets,
    shower rooms and toilets are shared facilities.
  • Common spaces are available once you leave your room.
  • These shared spaces offer environments you cannot experience when you live alone.
    Talk with friends, play games and explore!
  • Communal kitchens, the music studio and the multi-purposes studio are shared facilities you can use freely.
  • Study rooms are available for you to study in a group and practice presentations.
Fully furnished dormitory room

It is easy to move in because basic necessities are provided. No extra cost.

  • Desk, chair and lamp
  • Bed equipped with drawers
  • Wi-Fi
  • Air conditioner and refrigerator
  • Lighting
  • Full-length mirror
  • Curtains
  • Clotheslines
  • Bedding items (required to rent; bedsheets can be changed twice a month and no laundry needed)
Shared tools on each floor
  • Vacuum cleaners, irons and ironing boards
  • Microwaves, toaster ovens, electric rice cookers
  • Washing machines and dryers (charged)
Free electric bicycle rental in the dorm manager’s room

Meals 食事


館内の食堂(AI-House Global Dining Hall)では、栄養バランスの整った食事を提供し、体調管理と入居者同士の交流をサポートします。

朝食は勉強に必要な脳へのエネルギーと、身体と生活のリズムを整える役割があります。 朝食を習慣にするために、毎日食べたくなる魅力的なメニューとなっています。これまで朝食をとってこなかった方も、おいしい朝食で一日をスタートしませんか。


  • 管理栄養士作成の献立で栄養バランスが偏る心配はありません。
  • 食材の買い物、調理、後片付けがなく、その分の時間を有効活用できます。
  • 仲間同士の良い交流の場となります。
  • 規則正しく食事を摂る習慣がつき、社会人として独立してからも役立ちます。


  • 学期期間中の月~金曜日の朝食・夕食を提供します。
  • 食堂営業期間 春学期:4月上旬~7月末、秋学期:9月中旬~1月末(夏季・春季の長期休暇中やゴールデンウィークは営業しません)
  • 宿舎費には食事代が含まれています。年間の食事代を12等分しているため、食堂営業期間外も宿舎費は変動しません。
  • AI-Houseでは食事も居住者同士の大切な交流、学習の場と捉えており、食事を摂らなかった分の返金はありません。
  • ベジタリアン食及びハラル食の対応が可能です(入居申込時に申請が必要)。ベジタリアン食、ハラル食を選択した場合、1学期あたり8,000円の追加料金がかかります。
  • 夕食の営業は21:00までですが、希望する方には食事をお弁当箱に詰め替えて21:50まで取り置き可能です。食事提供のない日は、館内の共有キッチンで自炊ができます。

Meals 食事

Meals that support a healthy and fulfilling life

The AI-House Global Dining Hall serves balanced nutritious meals to support a healthy life and acts as a gathering place for residents.

Breakfast plays the role to provide energy to the brain required for the body to study and get ready for daily activities.
Attractive menu varieties are available that will make you want to make a habit of eating breakfast. Now is the perfect time for a new habit of starting your day with a delicious breakfast!

Dinner is waiting at the end of the day. A variety of freshly cooked Japanese, Western and Chinese menu items are available!

Benefits of dormitory with meals
  • There is no need to worry about the nutritional balance as the menus are created by registered chefs.
  • There is no need to buy groceries, cook and clean up! You can use the time effectively for something else!
  • The AI-House Dining Hall is the prefect place to interact with friends.
  • A healthy habit of eating regularly will be useful as a member of society.

Opening hours and fees

  • Breakfast and dinner are provided on weekdays duruing semesters.
  • The cafeteria is open from early April through the end of July for Spring semester and from mid-September through the end of January (closed in summer and spring breaks and Golden Week).
  • Meal fee is included in the monthly housing fee. The total meal cost is devided by 12, so the monthly housing fee does not change even in the period when the cafeteria is closed.
  • There will be no refund of meal fee even if you skip a meal(s). The university considers meals as an important learning and communication opportunities.
  • Vegetarian and halal options are available upon request at the time of application. An additional 8,000 JPY per semester applies to those options.
  • The cafeteria closes at 9:00 PM. However, upon your request, your meal can be saved until 9:50 PM in the refrigerator.

Basic information 基本情報・アクセス




 ①入寮費 50,000円(返金不可)
 ②3月の宿舎費 22,400円程度※1
 ③4月の宿舎費 96,000円
 ④3月+4月の寝具レンタル費用 2,300円※2
 合計 170,700円程度
 ※1 年度により異なります。3月分の宿舎費は固定金額です。
 ※2 通常ひと月2,300円ですが、初回のみ上記金額となります。

〒115-0053 東京都北区赤羽台1-7-37
  • JR赤羽駅西口出口から徒歩8分
  • 東京メトロ南北線赤羽岩淵駅 2番出口から徒歩10分
東京メトロ南北線利用 約40分
JR線及び東武東上線利用 約1時間30分
JR線及び東武東上線利用 約1時間
JR線及び東武日光線利用 約1時間30分


  • 全館禁煙です。
  • 入居者本人以外(家族、友人等)は宿泊不可です。
  • 門限はありません。
  • 食堂は入居者のみ利用可です。



最短1学期 ~ 最長4学期




TEL: 03-3909-1640
受付時間 月~土 9:00~18:00(祝日および12:00~13:00除く)



電話 03-3945-4261

Basic information 基本情報・アクセス

Dormitory fees

Initial moving-in fee
50,000 JPY(Paid only when you moving in,non-refundable, international exchange students exempted)
Single-occupancy bedroom
96,000 JPY per month
Accessible room
(wheelchair friendly)
108,000 JPY per month

* Utilities, internet, and meal fees are included.
* Additional 2,300 JPY will be charged for rental bedding items (required for all residents).

Address & Access:
1-7-37 Akabanedai, Kita-ku, Tokyo 115-0053
  • 8 minutes on foot from the West Gate of Akabane JR station
  • 10 minutes on foot from Akabane Iwabuchi station Metro Namboku Line
To Akabanedai campus 3 minutes on foot
To Hakusan campus
40 minutes by Tokyo Metro
To Kawagoe campus
1 hour 30 minutes by JR and Tobu Lines
To Asaka campus
1 hour by JR and Tobu Lines
To Itakura campus
1.5 hours by JR and Tobu Lines
Building and capacity

5 stories
Offers 288 single-type resident rooms and 4 barrier-free rooms

  • Smoking not allowed in the building (only allowed in the designated smoking space).
  • No guests (including family or friends of residents) are allowed to stay overnight.
  • No curfew.

There is no language or study abroad requirements to apply for the AI-House.
Any degree-seeking students are eligible to apply.

Period of stay

1 semester minimum; 4 semesters maximum
(Additional 4 semesters allowed if hired as an RA)

Visiting the AI-House before application

You can check the residence before you apply. Please call the residence manager's office to make an appointment.
Phone: 03-3909-1640
Hours available: Monday to Saturday 9:00-18:00 (closed from 12:00 to 13:00 and national holidays)
Please submit an inquiry form for matters other than checking the residence.

AI-House HUB-4 正規学生

正規学生追加募集 随時 申し込み後2営業日までにメールでご連絡 申し込み後5営業日程度以降(相談に応じます)





Application 入居お申し込みへ